Developing a sustainable website
. Fortunately, the above concerns can be addressed with thorough, sustainable website optimization principles and generous overcompensation for your website's greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, a truly sustainable website will generate shared value for your company, your customers and your online visitors. We encourage our customers to think critically about the carbon neutrality of websites. If you approach the topic too superficially, you could stray into obvious greenwashing territory. Don't treat sustainable websites like just another quality seal or marketing award to advertise. Instead, you should aim for a CO2-positive website – as an integral part of a holistic, sustainable company culture.Summary Sustainable websites must be profitable in the long term , take care of our HK Phone Number planet and generate value for humanity . Tools like the Website Carbon Calculator give a very rough estimate of how high a website's greenhouse gas emissions are. To make your website carbon neutral, you can host it on green energy . We recommend providers who state that they get their green electricity from a trustworthy provider and who can switch to REC-based green electricity during an outage. You can also reduce your website's power consumption by improving file sizes, loading speeds, and usability. It's most promising to focus on search intent and optimizing videos , images , plugins , and scripts . Finally, you can offset greenhouse gas emissions by investing in carbon offset projects .is neither a precision landing nor a PR campaign.
Be generous in overcompensating your carbon footprint, but humble and self-reflective in your communication. Your partner for sustainable websites svaerm offers tailored and holistic online marketing services for companies - including sustainable website optimization . Please send us your inquiry and project details. We will review them and contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.What does “Creating Shared Value” (CSV) mean? Author Maxim Bollig Porter and Kramer's concept of shared value is a new answer to the question of how companies should pursue their social responsibility. Instead of acting as a charitable benefactor, it is more authentic to find synergies of social and economic benefit.