That toolbox ready to help us with new problems. Memory the basis of social skills I have already mention in passing that man being a social animal maintaining a clear outline of the relationships between people in a group is a fundamental skill not to mention the ability to recognize them. But we ne many more ingrients to function in society where our memory plays a great role. One of the most fun things about getting together with friends is the time spent talking about soccer.
Normally from matches they watch many years ago. . I don't remember any Phone Number List thing of course. I have never been passionate about football and attention and motivation are a very important part of memorization. Memory Unsplash Image Every time my friends recall a spectacular goal they saw years ago or my friend José Manuel narrates Magic Johnson's first game from memory we joke about the number.
Of neurons that men use on irrelevant things. But deep inside I am amaz at how our memory creates an incrible structure in which so many things fit. Let's not disdain knowlge of sports. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to the world: this knowlge makes for good times and facilitates long and exciting conversations. For the survival of man as a social being such things are very important. In short we ne our memory for everything we do.