Work with our free guide: The Best Ways to Promote Your Business (With or Without Money) Love Your Pet Day Love Your Pet Day is February’s opportunity for you to shamelessly post about your pet. But here are some additional ideas to consider: Write a blog post about what your pet can teach you about [topic relevant to your industry]. Have your employees share photos of their pets and put the montage on social media or in your February newsletter.
For example, Select Hotels invited its followers to comment on its post with their favorite moments with their pets, and that if they did, “A surprise awaits the two of you on your next visit.” february marketing ideas Iceland Phone Number[size=14.6667px] love your pet day giveaway Make a Friend Day This day gives you lots of opportunities for creative marketing. Send out a review request email themed around asking your customers to be your friend. (Use these February email subjet lines for inspiration!) Partner with a neighboring or complementary business and run a joint friends promotion.
Remind people of your referral program or run a one-day special where referrals result in a discount or gift. february marketing ideas refer a friend Groundhog Day Contest This superstitious day happens on February every year. For the uninitiated, if the groundhog sees its shadow, winter will last six more weeks. If it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early. Plenty of fun marketing material to work with here. Run a sale where the offer is contingent upon the outcome of the day. Create content inspired by the Groundhog Day movie, sharing tips to break up the monotony or avoid repeating mistakes.