In fact, how do services like Drip, Mailchimp, MailerLite or ConvertKit keep track of how many people open our emails? They insert tiny transparent images (even 1 pixel) into the emails, unique for each email, so that they know exactly which emails are opened and which are not. The fact is that some email clients block the images (for example ProtonMail, but not only), or sometimes they are not displayed when the client suspects that it is a .
SPAM email (as often happens on Gmail, if new subscribers don't add your email to WhatsApp Number List their contacts or mark the email as "secure"). to someone who hasn't opened them, you'll also send them to someone who has already opened them. You can therefore choose 2 paths: Resend the same email with the same subject Resend the same email with a different subject The problem is that little changes, you will always have someone who will write to you "Hey Lorenz, you sent me the same email twice." Email opening errors I'VE HAD SOME ISSUES RELATED TO THIS, WHEN CLEANING UP MY NEWSLETTER ( YOU SHOULD DO THAT TOO )... (THANKS MORGAN FOR THE FEEDBACK!) .
It's never a nice thing, also because you risk losing the trust of your subscribers. Fortunately with ConvertKit you have 2 more ways to go, which saves you from these situations: Resend different emails with the same subject Resend different emails with different subjects Both are fine, it doesn't make much difference. The important thing is to be able to edit the emails you send back, so as to make it clear to your subscribers that you have already sent them the same email and to be completely transparent (I assure you that people love these things) . Here's an example of an optimized, transparent referral, the kind that turns your subscribers into true fans. Tools needed for broken link building Hey, hello, Lorenz here (again). I tried to send you this email 3 days ago, but I don't think you read it.