However, the photos or videos you use should pop up and engage the reader. It’s a classic case of quality over quantity: your media should be relevant and speak to your customers’ needs. Videos of presenters explaining the webinar can also go a long way in establishing credibility. Speaker avatars are another great addition. For a prime example of eye-catching imagery, check out this example from HCL Tech. Better Webinar Landing Page HCL Example Title Image Sets the Tone for Your Audience.
After all, most business professionals can drink coffee while checking information Bolivia WhatsApp Number on a mobile tablet. correct? A professional black and white headshot of the speaker helps convey authority and helps complement the entire page. This example in Network Marketing Pro shows how to use video effectively. Better Webinar Landing Page Internet Marketing Professional Example As you can see, the teaser video takes up a lot of space on the page.
Since people digest video content more easily, this is a bold and effective approach. Combine this with a compelling headline, date and time, minimal copy, and an effective call-to-action, and you’ve got a recipe for success. 5. Create a strong call to action Your call to action (CTA) is probably the most critical element of your webinar landing page. CTA buttons allow potential attendees to join the webinar and say, “Yes, I’m in!” A strong CTA is crucial to increasing click-through rates.